Contributor: The Tolkien Society

In the June 2014 edition of Empire magazine lists the winners of the 2014 Empire Awards. The ceremony was hosted by James Nesbitt (Bofur in the Hobbit films), and was held on Sunday March 30, 2014.

Game of Thrones author, George R.R. Martin, in a long interview with Rolling Stone magazine has spoken about his views of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s The Lord of the Rings.

The winners of the inaugural Tolkien Society Awards were announced at the Tolkien Society’s Annual Dinner in Hay-on-Wye on Saturday 11th April 2014.

On Thursday, Sir Peter Jackson announced via his Facebook page that the third film in his Hobbit trilogy was to be renamed from ‘There and Back Again’ to ‘The Battle of the Five Armies’. I agree with him.

In Wednesday’s episode, “Green Imagined Land”, Ian Hislop will be looking at J.R.R. Tolkien’s experience with industry in Birmingham and how that shaped the author’s works. Ian Hislop visits Sarehole Mill and the surrounding area.

Emil Johannson of the LOTR Project has created an interactive map of Beleriand that is freely accessible on his website.

In the June 2014 edition of Empire magazine lists the winners of the 2014 Empire Awards. The ceremony was hosted by James Nesbitt (Bofur in the Hobbit films), and was held on Sunday March 30, 2014.

On Thursday, Sir Peter Jackson announced via his Facebook page that the third film in his Hobbit trilogy was to be renamed from ‘There and Back Again’ to ‘The Battle of the Five Armies’. I agree with him.

Game of Thrones author, George R.R. Martin, in a long interview with Rolling Stone magazine has spoken about his views of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s The Lord of the Rings.

In Wednesday’s episode, “Green Imagined Land”, Ian Hislop will be looking at J.R.R. Tolkien’s experience with industry in Birmingham and how that shaped the author’s works. Ian Hislop visits Sarehole Mill and the surrounding area.

The winners of the inaugural Tolkien Society Awards were announced at the Tolkien Society’s Annual Dinner in Hay-on-Wye on Saturday 11th April 2014.

Emil Johannson of the LOTR Project has created an interactive map of Beleriand that is freely accessible on his website.

About the Author: The Tolkien Society
The Tolkien Society is an educational charity and worldwide membership organisation devoted to promoting research into, and educating the public in, the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Society organises regular events (such as Oxonmoot and Tolkien Reading Day), publishes regular books and journal (such as Amon Hen and Mallorn), and is working towards a permanent home to Tolkien in the UK.