
The official Tolkien Calendar 2024, containing Alan Lee artwork inspired by The Fall of Númenor, is released today.

HarperCollins have announced a deluxe edition of The Hobbit to go alongside the new hardback edition due to be published in September, which will feature over 50 illustrations.

The Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic at the University of Glasgow is holding a special event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight lecture. It will be held on-campus and online on Thursday 27 April 2023, 5-6:30pm BST. Attendance is free.

We’re very sorry to report that the Tolkien Society’s longest-standing member and stalwart of the Tolkien community, Charles E. Noad, passed away last week at the age of 75.

HarperCollins have announced a new revised and expanded edition of The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien will be published in November, to include over 150 additional letters, increasing the total letters to 500.

The Tolkien Society and Luna Press Publishing are pleased to announce that Tolkien and Diversity: Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Summer Seminar 2021, the twenty-second book in the Peter Roe series, is now available to preorder.

The official Tolkien Calendar 2024, containing Alan Lee artwork inspired by The Fall of Númenor, is released today.

We’re very sorry to report that the Tolkien Society’s longest-standing member and stalwart of the Tolkien community, Charles E. Noad, passed away last week at the age of 75.

HarperCollins have announced a deluxe edition of The Hobbit to go alongside the new hardback edition due to be published in September, which will feature over 50 illustrations.

HarperCollins have announced a new revised and expanded edition of The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien will be published in November, to include over 150 additional letters, increasing the total letters to 500.

The Centre for Fantasy and the Fantastic at the University of Glasgow is holding a special event to celebrate the 70th anniversary of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Sir Gawain and the Green Knight lecture. It will be held on-campus and online on Thursday 27 April 2023, 5-6:30pm BST. Attendance is free.

The Tolkien Society and Luna Press Publishing are pleased to announce that Tolkien and Diversity: Proceedings of The Tolkien Society Summer Seminar 2021, the twenty-second book in the Peter Roe series, is now available to preorder.