
The Puppet State Theatre Company’s critically-acclaimed stage production of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Leaf by Niggle will be performed exclusively at Tolkien 2019, on Wednesday, 7th August 2019

On this day exactly 100 years ago, an emaciated J.R.R. Tolkien left Brooklands Officers’ Hospital and was transferred to a convalescent hospital in Blackpool. His 18 months convalescing in Hull and East Yorkshire was at an end. Over two summers he had spent nearly 18 weeks at this hospital separated from the distractions of family-life, […]

A Tolkien-inspired opera, The Fall of Gondolin, will be released on 1st September and is now available for pre-order. Composed by Paul Corfield Godfrey is follows on from last year’s Akȃllabeth and Other Tolkien Works.

300 Tolkien fans from around the world are meeting in Oxford this weekend to celebrate the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien at the Society’s largest ever annual Oxonmootevent.

Today marks the publication of The Fall of Gondolin, the last of the three ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days to be published as a standalone book.

The Tolkien Society is pleased to announce the full programme for this year’s Oxonmoot, including the full list of speakers and artists, as well as an exclusive visit to the Bodleian Library to see the Maker of Middle-earth exhibition and a keynote lecture from John Garth.

The Puppet State Theatre Company’s critically-acclaimed stage production of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Leaf by Niggle will be performed exclusively at Tolkien 2019, on Wednesday, 7th August 2019

300 Tolkien fans from around the world are meeting in Oxford this weekend to celebrate the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien at the Society’s largest ever annual Oxonmootevent.

On this day exactly 100 years ago, an emaciated J.R.R. Tolkien left Brooklands Officers’ Hospital and was transferred to a convalescent hospital in Blackpool. His 18 months convalescing in Hull and East Yorkshire was at an end. Over two summers he had spent nearly 18 weeks at this hospital separated from the distractions of family-life, […]

Today marks the publication of The Fall of Gondolin, the last of the three ‘Great Tales’ of the Elder Days to be published as a standalone book.

A Tolkien-inspired opera, The Fall of Gondolin, will be released on 1st September and is now available for pre-order. Composed by Paul Corfield Godfrey is follows on from last year’s Akȃllabeth and Other Tolkien Works.

The Tolkien Society is pleased to announce the full programme for this year’s Oxonmoot, including the full list of speakers and artists, as well as an exclusive visit to the Bodleian Library to see the Maker of Middle-earth exhibition and a keynote lecture from John Garth.