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New Tolkien event to be held in South Carolina

A brand new Tolkien event – “Celebrate Tolkien” – is due to be held in South Carolina this November.

The event to be held at Greenville, South Caroline on the 9th and 10the of November 2017 is limited to 180 people and includes two days of talks from artists, academics and performers, as well as games, themed-music and a pipe-smoking competition. The organiser, Dan Cruver, runs the @JRRTolkien Twitter account. The organisers say:

We’re hosting this two-day event at the Old Cigar Warehouse and will feature a variety of notable scholars, authors, and artists to celebrate the life of JRR Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings. Some of these include:

  • Gandalf impersonator and Comedian Jamie Costa
  • Scholars Joseph Pearce, Devin Brown and Louis Markos
  • Artists Eurielle and Justin Gerrard (also from Greenville)
  • Authors Henry Neff, Carolyn Weber and Lisa Coutras
  • And others

The event is $299 for registration, and you can find out more information, and how to book, via the Celebrate Tolkien website.

About the Author: The Tolkien Society
The Tolkien Society is an educational charity and worldwide membership organisation devoted to promoting research into, and educating the public in, the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Society organises regular events (such as Oxonmoot and Tolkien Reading Day), publishes regular books and journal (such as Amon Hen and Mallorn), and is working towards a permanent home to Tolkien in the UK.