Contributor: Troels Forchhammer

July 2014 This is, without doubt, the most belated issue of my transactions ever. Let’s hope that it will remain so in perpetuum, so I will put this on-line without further ado.

May 2014 What a fantastic month! It’s May, it’s full spring, it’s Tolkien’s Beowulf and all are happy! Wonderful 😀

Being a list of various Tolkien-related content that has found its way to my attention in the month of March 2014, and which I have deemed interesting enough to pass on.

Summary of the Tolkien-related goings-on on the great interwebs in the month of June 2014

April 2014 This issue of my Tolkien Transactions is already much delayed, and there is, I think, no reason to delay it any further. It does seem to me that I must have missed some things at the start of the month, but though I have tried to look back, it is a feature of […]

July 2014 This is, without doubt, the most belated issue of my transactions ever. Let’s hope that it will remain so in perpetuum, so I will put this on-line without further ado.

Summary of the Tolkien-related goings-on on the great interwebs in the month of June 2014

May 2014 What a fantastic month! It’s May, it’s full spring, it’s Tolkien’s Beowulf and all are happy! Wonderful 😀

April 2014 This issue of my Tolkien Transactions is already much delayed, and there is, I think, no reason to delay it any further. It does seem to me that I must have missed some things at the start of the month, but though I have tried to look back, it is a feature of […]

Being a list of various Tolkien-related content that has found its way to my attention in the month of March 2014, and which I have deemed interesting enough to pass on.

About the Author: Troels Forchhammer
“The love of Faery is the love of love” – J.R.R. TolkienBeing either among the last of the baby boomers or first of the generation X'ers, I have now grown to become a father of four, an active Scouter, a physicist working as test and quality engineer ... and of course an amateur Tolkienist.