Contributor: Ian Spittlehouse

The “Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative” course goes live on Monday, April 27th  and is back for its third year.

Running again this year from the 14th July; this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) hosted by Vanderbilt University provides a most enlightening experience of Tolkien, romance and myth. It takes these narratives and presents them as experienced in contemporary media. It also includes on-line activities utilising  ‘Lord of the Rings Online‘ (LOTRO).

The “Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative” course goes live on Monday, April 27th  and is back for its third year.

Running again this year from the 14th July; this MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) hosted by Vanderbilt University provides a most enlightening experience of Tolkien, romance and myth. It takes these narratives and presents them as experienced in contemporary media. It also includes on-line activities utilising  ‘Lord of the Rings Online‘ (LOTRO).

About the Author: Ian Spittlehouse
Tolkien Society member since 2004 and Trustee (OWP) for four years.