News: Events

Sad you missed Oxonmoot? Good News! Oxonmoot Online may be in the past, but it’s still possible to join us and enjoy much of the event.

We are delighted to announce that registration for Oxonmoot Online is now open. We are also inviting submissions for Papers, Activities and contributions for the Art Show.

The Tolkien Society’s Annual Guest Speaker will speaking online tonight via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.

We are delighted to announce the Keynote speakers and panels for Oxonmoot Online. These will all take place between 17:15 and 20:30 UK time across the three days of the event (Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September) in order to provide optimum access for all our registered delegates around the world:

Posted by on 3 June 2020

We are pleased to announce that Oxonmoot Online will be held from Friday 18th September to Sunday 20th September 2020.

As part of our increased online presence, The Tolkien Society is launching a new weekly online puzzle from Monday 13th April.

Sad you missed Oxonmoot? Good News! Oxonmoot Online may be in the past, but it’s still possible to join us and enjoy much of the event.

We are delighted to announce the Keynote speakers and panels for Oxonmoot Online. These will all take place between 17:15 and 20:30 UK time across the three days of the event (Friday 18th to Sunday 20th September) in order to provide optimum access for all our registered delegates around the world:

We are delighted to announce that registration for Oxonmoot Online is now open. We are also inviting submissions for Papers, Activities and contributions for the Art Show.

Posted by on 3 June 2020

We are pleased to announce that Oxonmoot Online will be held from Friday 18th September to Sunday 20th September 2020.

The Tolkien Society’s Annual Guest Speaker will speaking online tonight via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.

As part of our increased online presence, The Tolkien Society is launching a new weekly online puzzle from Monday 13th April.