News: Events

Bookings are now open for The Tolkien Society’s Annual Dinner, which will take place on Saturday 21st April as part of our Springmoot and AGM weekend at the Kingston Theatre Hotel in Hull.

We are now calling for papers for The Tolkien Society Seminar 2018, which will be held on Sunday 1 July in Leeds at the Hilton Leeds City. The theme is Tolkien the Pagan? Reading Middle-earth through a Spiritual Lens.

The Tolkien Society is pleased to confirm the speakers at this year’s Oxonmoot. Over a dozen speakers will be speaking at this year’s event on topics ranging from Worcestershire to George Allen and Unwin, from Tolkien art to the Silmarils and Terry Pratchett.

The Bodleian Library has confirmed that, as part of its Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth exhibition, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Father Christmas Letters will be put on display.

The deadline for booking meals and accommodation for this year’s Oxonmoot is this Saturday, 26th August. Book now to avoid disappointment!

Our sister society in Germany, Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft (DTG), is hosting its annual seminar this October at Augsburg University.

Bookings are now open for The Tolkien Society’s Annual Dinner, which will take place on Saturday 21st April as part of our Springmoot and AGM weekend at the Kingston Theatre Hotel in Hull.

The Bodleian Library has confirmed that, as part of its Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth exhibition, J.R.R. Tolkien’s Father Christmas Letters will be put on display.

We are now calling for papers for The Tolkien Society Seminar 2018, which will be held on Sunday 1 July in Leeds at the Hilton Leeds City. The theme is Tolkien the Pagan? Reading Middle-earth through a Spiritual Lens.

The deadline for booking meals and accommodation for this year’s Oxonmoot is this Saturday, 26th August. Book now to avoid disappointment!

The Tolkien Society is pleased to confirm the speakers at this year’s Oxonmoot. Over a dozen speakers will be speaking at this year’s event on topics ranging from Worcestershire to George Allen and Unwin, from Tolkien art to the Silmarils and Terry Pratchett.

Our sister society in Germany, Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft (DTG), is hosting its annual seminar this October at Augsburg University.