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Tolkien Birthday Toast: raise a glass to the Professor in honour of his 131st birthday
J.R.R. Tolkien by Pamela Chandler. © The Tolkien Society
J.R.R. Tolkien by Pamela Chandler. © The Tolkien Society

To mark J.R.R. Tolkien’s 131st birthday, The Tolkien Society invites fans all over the world to participate in our annual Birthday Toast.

The Toast

After Bilbo left the Shire on his eleventy-first birthday in The Lord of the Rings, Frodo toasted his uncle’s birthday each year on 22 September. The Society continues that tradition by continuing to toast Tolkien’s birthday.

J.R.R. Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein on 3 January 1892, and we invite you to celebrate the birthday of this much loved author by raising a glass at 9pm your local time.

The toast is simply:

The Professor!

All you need to do is stand, raise a glass of your choice of drink (not necessarily alcoholic), and say the words “The Professor” before taking a sip (or swig, if that’s more appropriate for your drink). Sit and enjoy the rest of your drink.

You can also share your toast with the world below.

Note that we do not condone drinking alcohol if it endangers the health or safety of the drinker or others, or contravenes the law.

If you’re not already a member, why not celebrate by joining The Tolkien Society too?

About the Author: The Tolkien Society
The Tolkien Society is an educational charity and worldwide membership organisation devoted to promoting research into, and educating the public in, the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Society organises regular events (such as Oxonmoot and Tolkien Reading Day), publishes regular books and journal (such as Amon Hen and Mallorn), and is working towards a permanent home to Tolkien in the UK.