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British MEP writes about Sam Gamgee and the Somme

British MEP Dan Hannan has blogged on The Telegraph: “Supposing him to be the gardener: Sam Gamgee, the Battle of the Somme and my Great Uncle Bill”.

In the blogpost, Dan Hannan says:

Peter Jackson, the producer, was making overt what Tolkien had gently left as subtext. Sam, who is about to become the true hero of the story, has been dragged from a world of growth and fecundity into a blasted wasteland. Having previously tended to living things, he has been turned into the unlikeliest of soldiers.

The full article is available to read on the The Telegraph website.

About the Author: The Tolkien Society
The Tolkien Society is an educational charity and worldwide membership organisation devoted to promoting research into, and educating the public in, the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The Society organises regular events (such as Oxonmoot and Tolkien Reading Day), publishes regular books and journal (such as Amon Hen and Mallorn), and is working towards a permanent home to Tolkien in the UK.