Blog: The Tolkien Society

For those of who have enjoyed Tolkien since childhood, we are aware that every year of our lives is a year of Tolkien. 2016 was great, but 2017 looks to be an especially significant year for J.R.R. Tolkien. And here’s why. (more…)

The new year is often treated as a fresh start and an opportunity to look forwards at the significant events over the coming 12 months. And in 2017 we do indeed have a very exciting year ahead, but first I want to look back over the previous year and explain why I think 2016 was a great year for Tolkien. (more…)

The Tolkien Society Seminar 2016 was held in Leeds on Sunday 3 July, a few days after the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of the Somme.


It sometimes comes as a surprise to people online that the Tolkien Society isn’t just a Twitter account and a Facebook group, but a real charity you can join and support just like the National Trust or the Boy Scouts.

The Tolkien Society has well over 1,000 members in over 30 different countries, many of whom play a full and active role in the Society. So, as the world comes together to celebrate Hobbit Day, here are some of the reasons why you should join the Tolkien Society today. (more…)

The Tolkien Society Seminar 2015, held in July 2015 at Leeds, was a huge success. If you missed it, you’ll find four videos from the event below.
